
This blog will be developed as a multi-day retreat that can be used in connection with any walk with God that is undertaken as a Pilgrimage – or as a walk that is offered as a “yes” to a relationship with God. By saying “yes,” we take time to experience God in the present moment and understand what it means to be in a right relationship with God. I don’t know where this will end up – but, for me, Pilgrimage is about the journey.

This blog uses as its walk the Camino of Santiago (Camino Frances). For each day’s hike, I will choose a feature or an experience of the walk and create a contemplation based on that experience to develop the reflection the day.

Contemplate on each day’s reflection as you walk and see where it takes you. You do not have to be walking the Camino to participate – you can participate from your favorite walking path.

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About Me

I’m Monica, the author of this Blog. I am a student in the Graduate Program for Pastoral Ministry at Santa Clara University. As part of my ministry, I am interested in those who see themselves as “spiritual,” but do not feel welcome in an organized church. I wonder if we can develop a foundation for a spirituality based on God’s outreach to us, as shown through the history of salvation told in the Old Testament and brought into the present through the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I also wonder what it means to be “Church,” and how to empower those who do not feel welcome within the Church to create their own welcome.